Think BIG Space
You are on the Think Big Mobile booking page for: Drogheda
If your school is outside of this area, please add your school to our waiting list here and we will see you soon!
When the Think BIG Space books a visit with your school or organisation, we can offer up to three 1.5 hour workshops during the day.
These workshops are currently limited to 3rd class - 6th class pupils while we work on expanding our offerings.
How it works?
The Think BIG Space provides these workshops and experiences free of charge, the acvitities, equipment and expertiese is all funded by AWS.
How many children can you cater for?
We can cater for three classes of up to 28 pupils per booking.
This all sounds great, how do I book?
In order to book a free workshop at the Think Big Space, confirm that you are within our cachment areas of Drogheda. Then choose the dates that best suit you and your students, fill in the required information, and that's it! You are all set!
Please remember to check the class groups and suggested schedule - the Think BIG Mobile can visit three classrooms during our visit!
What then?
Once we have assigned a workshop facilitator to your selected date, you will recieve an email to confirm your booking submission and a member of our team will contact you to finalise the booking and confirm details.
Our STEAM facilitators will then arrive at your location 30 minutes ahead of your start time in order to move our equipment into your space and set up ahead of the pupils arrival and run workshops as per the schedule set at the time of booking.
In this hands-on workshop, your puils will work as engineers to assemble their own LEGO robot, and then work together to build sequences of code to program their robot to complete challenges.
These workshops follow a learning through play model and are designed to create positive experiences using technology to foster a passion for STEM.
Here pupils will investigate more fundamental coding conceptst such as loops and conditionals as they build and program a robot to complete more complex challenges.
This workshop is ideal for pupils who have already attended our introduction to robotics workshops.
In this workshop, pupils will work with the irobot root robots, a robot that can be used to create art! Pupils will investigate building sequences of code to control their robot as they move through a series of challenges.
Here pupils will be creating 2d shapes and patterns, using angles, measuring and estimation.